Thursday, April 29, 2010

Been on a spending spree lately...

Well it seems that I am trying to single-handedly keep the economy afloat by continuously pumping money into others' pockets with no end in sight! I have made quite a few large hobby-related purchases lately - it is too hard not to! There are so many models for sale now with good prices. I need to do my part and help others out when they need some cash, right??! Well here are some of my recent purchases:


Dun Appropos

Charcoal Lonesome Glory


My Big Ben conga is nearly complete!! I only need Serengeti and Silver Twilight now. But my budget would like to hold off on those two coming up for sale LOL!

Well back to business now. I'm nearly finished with the wheeler horse harness on the tandem team order. Hopefully that will be complete within the next week or two. I also got a new photo tent, so I will try to get some good photos of the set-up this weekend. I really have to hit the grindstone now after all these purchases!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Making the Switch!

Well I'm switching my website blog over to here because I think this will reach more people. I'll also double-post on Facebook. If you are on Facebook, check out my page on Facebook (located in the bar on the right).

I'll start with what I'm currently working on: Order #10-03, a tandem team harness. This is the lead horse harness for a tandem team. Tandem horses are in-line with each other,as opposed to side-by-side like a pairs team. It still needs some finishing touches and some reins, but you get the idea! I hope to get a good start on the wheel horse harness this weekend. That harness is slightly different from the wheel harness in that the surcingle, or saddle, is wider than the lead horse harness. So off I go to make some new patterns!